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Attorney Profile
Meet Our Legal Specialists
Michael G. Stewart
Founding Member
The Freedom Center
223 Rosa L. Parks Avenue
Suite 200
Nashville, TN 37203
Michael G. Stewart
Founding Member
Mike Stewart is a member of the firm’s complex litigation practice, representing citizens who have suffered injuries or lost money because of the actions of powerful interests. He has litigated cases that have recovered millions of dollars for defrauded investors, persons injured by defective products and consumers cheated by improper sales practices. He writes and speaks on a variety of legal and public interest topics.
A former member of the Tennessee General Assembly, Mr. Stewart aggressively fought for citizens, at one point calling to attention the state’s inadequate gun background check laws by offering an assault rifle for sale at a sidewalk lemonade stand. Mr. Stewart was elected unanimously by his fellow Democratic members to serve as their Caucus Chairman during the 109th, 110th and 111th General Assemblies. During his tenure, Democrats regained seats held by Republicans in all three of Tennessee’s Grand Divisions – West, Middle and East Tennessee.
Before attending law school, Mr. Stewart served as an officer in the United States Army, with service in the Korean Demilitarized Zone and in Operation Desert Storm.
Mr. Stewart and his wife, Ruth, have three children, Will, Joseph and Eve. Ruth is a physician and an Associate Dean at Meharry Medical College. They live in East Nashville.
Practice Areas
- Class Actions and Complex Litigation
- Civil Litigation
- University of Tennessee College of Law (J.D., cum laude, 1994)
- Student Materials Editor, Tennessee Law Review
- National Moot Court Team
- Vinson & Elkins Award for Excellence in Moot Court Brief Writing
- University of Pennsylvania (B.A., 1987)
Bar Admissions
- Tennessee
- U.S. District Court Middle District of Tennessee
- U.S. District Court Western District of Tennessee
- U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals
Representative Cases:
- Represented a class of shareholders in antitrust litigation against many of the nation’s largest private equity firms in a suit alleging collusion on large buyout deals. Total settlements exceeded half a billion dollars. Dahl v. Bain Capital Partners (D. Mass).
- Represented a class of consumers who purchased baby clothing tainted with unlawful levels of chemical skin irritants, resulting in a multi-million-dollar settlement. Montanez v. Gerber Childrenswear, LLC (M.D. Cal.).
- Represented a consumer seriously injured by emissions from a residential air cleaner, resulting in a significant settlement. Bearden v. Honeywell International, Inc. (M.D. Tenn.).
- Represented class of shareholders alleging damages from inaccurate financial statements issued by a manufacturer of cellular phone cameras, resulting in a multi-million-dollar settlement. Omnivision Technologies, Inc. Litigation (N.D. Cal.).
Professional Honors & Activities
- Best Lawyers in America (2008)
- National Trial Lawyers, Top 100 (2019)
- U.S. Eighth Army Distinguished Leader Award
- American Bar Association
- Tennessee Bar Association
- Nashville Bar Association
- American Association of Justice
Presentations and Published Works
- Tennessee Bar Association Litigation Forum CLE – “Legislative Update”
- Nashville Bar Association CLE, “Deposition Ethics: Strategies for Taking and Defending Depositions Without Running Afoul of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct.”
- “Paul Krugman Unwittingly Fulfills Fiscal Fantasies for Republicans,” The Hill (Nov. 18, 2017)
- “Memo to Democratic Donors: the Path to Power Passes Through the States,” The Hill (Dec. 22, 2016)
Community Involvement
- Chairman, Tennessee House Democratic Caucus
- Campaign Treasurer, Mayor Bill Purcell
- Past Member, Metro Nashville Emergency Communications Board
- Past President, Lockeland Springs Neighborhood Association
- Member, East End United Methodist Church
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